Volume 10, Number 8—August 2004
Acute Encephalitis Hospitalizations, California, 1990–1999: Unrecognized Arboviral Encephalitis?
Table 1
Diagnosis (ICD-9-CMb) | No. of encephalitis diagnoses (%)c |
Encephalitis of unspecified cause |
Unspecified cause of encephalitis (323.9) |
4,841 (34.7) |
Unspecified non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of CNS (049.9) |
2,932 (21.0) |
Viral encephalitis with specified cause, not arboviral |
Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar (045.0) |
44 (0.3) |
Other specified nonarthropodborne viral diseases of central nervous system (049.8) |
288 (2.1) |
Herpetic meningoencephalitis (054.3) |
2,007 (14.4) |
Encephalomyelitis due to rubella (056.01) |
6 (0.04) |
Rabies (071) |
13 (0.1) |
Mumps encephalitis (072.2) |
14 (0.1) |
Encephalitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere (323.0) |
76 (0.5) |
Other causes of encephalitis |
Other encephalitis due to infection classified elsewhere (323.4) |
117 (0.8) |
Other causes of encephalitis (323.8) |
2,196 (15.8) |
Postinfectious causes of encephalitis |
Postvaricella encephalitis (052.0) |
421 (3.0) |
Post measles encephalitis (055.0) |
41 (0.3) |
Postinfectious encephalitis (323.6) |
595 (4.3) |
Bacterial/rickettsial causes of encephalitis |
Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis (013.6) |
30 (0.2) |
Meningococcal encephalitis (036.1) |
128 (0.9) |
Syphilitic encephalitis (094.81) |
11 (0.1) |
Encephalitis in rickettsial diseases classified elsewhere (323.1) |
0 (0) |
Parasitic/protozoal causes of encephalitis |
Meningoencephalitis attributable to toxoplasmosis (130.0) |
82 (0.6) |
Meningoencephalitis attributable to Naegleria (136.2) |
10 (0.1) |
Encephalitis in protozoal diseases classified elsewhere (323.2) |
4 (0.03) |
Arthropodborne viral encephalitis |
Mosquitoborne viral encephalitis (062.0–062.9) |
63 (0.5) |
Tickborne viral encephalitis (063.0–063.9) |
6 (0.04) |
Viral encephalitis transmitted by other and unspecified arthropods (064) |
14 (0.1) |
Total no. of encephalitis diagnosesd | 13,939 |
aPatients with a concurrent diagnosis of AIDS are excluded.
bInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification.
cSource: Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, Patient Discharge Data, Public Version A.
dTotal number of encephalitis diagnoses is greater than the number of encephalitis patients (n = 13,807) because some patients had two or more encephalitis diagnoses.
Page created: March 01, 2011
Page updated: March 01, 2011
Page reviewed: March 01, 2011
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