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Volume 11, Number 1—January 2005

Norovirus and Foodborne Disease, United States, 1991–2000

Marc-Alain Widdowson*Comments to Author , Alana Sulka*, Sandra N. Bulens*†, R. Suzanne Beard*, Sandra S. Chaves†‡, Roberta Hammond§, Ellen D.P. Salehi¶, Ellen Swanson#, Jessica Totaro**, Ray Woron††, Paul S. Mead*, Joseph S. Bresee*, Stephan S. Monroe*, and Roger I. Glass*
Author affiliations: *Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; †Atlanta Research and Education Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; ‡Department of Human Resources, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; §Bureau of Community Environmental Health, Tallahassee, Florida, USA; ¶Ohio Department of Health, Columbus, Ohio, USA; #Department of Health, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; **Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; ††New York State Department of Health, Troy, New York, USA

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Table 5

Estimates of the role of norovirus (NoV) in foodborne outbreaks of gastroenteritis*

Place (reference) Years of data No. of foodborne outbreaks Method used to attribute to NoV % of foodborne outbreaks attributable to NoV
United Kingdom (31) 1995–1996 341 Electron microscopy 6
Sweden (30) 1998–1999 85 RT-PCR 6
Sweden (29) 1994–1998 92 Electron microscopy 72
New Zealand† 2000–2002 383 RT-PCR 12
The Netherlands‡ 2002 59 RT-PCR 27
United States (6) 1982–1989 1049 Epidemiologic criteria 33
United States (8) 1981–1998 295 RT-PCR and epidemiologic criteria 41
United States§ 2000 600 RT-PCR and extrapolation 50

*RT-PCR; reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction.
†N. Boxall, pers. comm.
‡Y. van Duynhoven, pers. comm.
§Current study.

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1Efforts in 1998 to improve outbreak reporting resulted in more outbreaks being retrospectively attributed to this period. The current figures for 1993 to 1997 are 65 (2%) of 3,257 outbreaks attributable to NoV and 67% of unknown etiology.

Page created: April 14, 2011
Page updated: April 14, 2011
Page reviewed: April 14, 2011
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