Volume 11, Number 1—January 2005
Norovirus Transmission on Cruise Ship
Figure 2
![Phylogram of 9 norovirus sequence types detected in outbreaks on ship X, 4 reference sequences from GenBank, and the Farmington Hills virus. The tree is based on a 277-nucleotide region (region C) of the capsid gene and was created using uncorrected distances calculated by the DISTANCES program (Genetics Computer Group, Madison, WI) and was constructed by neighbor-joining using the GROWTREE program version 10.3 (Genetics Computer Group). Numbers in parenthesis indicate number of samples with the](/eid/images/04-0434-F2.jpg)
Figure 2. Phylogram of 9 norovirus sequence types detected in outbreaks on ship X, 4 reference sequences from GenBank, and the Farmington Hills virus. The tree is based on a 277-nucleotide region (region C) of the capsid gene and was created using uncorrected distances calculated by the DISTANCES program (Genetics Computer Group, Madison, WI) and was constructed by neighbor-joining using the GROWTREE program version 10.3 (Genetics Computer Group). Numbers in parenthesis indicate number of samples with the identical sequence detected in a given outbreak. Box highlights sequence types belonging to the Farmington Hills virus that are indistinguishable in region C. GenBank accession no. for reference strains include Bristol virus, X76716; Toronto virus, U02030; Hawaii virus, U07611; and Norwalk virus, M87661. Scale bar represents 10% divergence.