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Volume 11, Number 1—January 2005

Hybrid Vibrio vulnificus

Naiel Bisharat*Comments to Author , Daniel I. Cohen†, Rosalind M. Harding*, Daniel Falush*, Derrick W. Crook*, Tim Peto*, and Martin C. Maiden*
Author affiliations: *University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; †Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel

Main Article


Characteristics of loci included in the Vibrio vulnificus MLST scheme*

Locus Size of sequenced fragment (bp) No. of alleles identified No. of polymorphic sites (%) Position in V. vulnificus genome† (bp)
glp 480 38 46 (9.6) Chromsome I (1379280)
gyrB 459 31 34 (7.4) Chromsome I (999145)
mdh 489 29 30 (6.1) Chromsome I (649619)
metG 429 31 37 (8.6) Chromsome I (3091694)
purM 444 28 39 (8.8) Chromsome I (1895474)
dtdS 417 46 56 (13.4) Chromsome II (1621665)
lysA 465 41 78 (16.8) Chromsome II (1110400)
pntA 396 32 35 (8.8) Chromsome II (332656)
pyrC 423 35 50 (11.8) Chromsome II (1752259)
tnaA 324 32 42 (12.9) Chromsome II (926270)

*From the V. vulnificus genome (
†MLST, multilocus sequence typing.

Main Article

Page created: April 14, 2011
Page updated: April 14, 2011
Page reviewed: April 14, 2011
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