Volume 11, Number 12—December 2005
Porcine Noroviruses Related to Human Noroviruses
Table 1
Classification and GenBank accession numbers of norovirus (NoV) strains used for sequence analysis*
Strain | Genus/genogroup-genotype | Abbreviation | GenBank accession no. |
Hu/Norwalk/68/US | NoV/GI-1 | Norwalk | M87661 |
Hu/Hawaii/71/US | NoV/GII-1 | Hawaii | U07611 |
Hu/Melksham/89/UK | NoV/GII-2 | Melksham | X81879 |
Hu/Snow Mountain/76/US | NoV/GII-2† | Snow Mountain | AY134748 |
Hu/Mexico/89/MX | NoV/GII-3 | Mexico | U22498 |
Hu/Toronto/91/CA | NoV/GII-3 | Toronto | U02030 |
Hu/SaitamaU18/97-99/JP | NoV/GII-3 | SaitamaU18 | AB039781 |
Hu/SaitamaU201/98/JP | NoV/GII-3 | SaitamaU201 | AB039782 |
Hu/Arg320/ARG | NoV/GII-3† | Arg320 | AF190817 |
Hu/Camberwell/101922/94/AUS | NoV/GII-4 | Camberwell | AF145896 |
Hu/Lordsdale/93/UK | NoV/GII-4 | Lordsdale | X86557 |
Hu/Bristol/93/UK | NoV/GII-4 | Bristol | X76716 |
Hu/MD145-12/87/US | NoV/GII-4 | MD145 | AY032605 |
Hu/Farmington Hills/02/US | NoV/GII-4 | Farmington Hills | AY502023 |
Hu/Langen1061/02/DE | NoV/GII-4 | Langen | AY485642 |
Hu/Hillingdon/93/UK | NoV/GII-5 | Hillingdon | AJ277607 |
Hu/New Orleans 306/94/US | NoV/GII-5 | New Orleans | AF414422 |
Hu/Baltimore/274/1993/US | NoV/GII-6 | Baltimore | AF414408 |
Hu/SaitamaU3/97/JP | NoV/GII-6 | SaitamaU3 | AB039776 |
Hu/SaitamaU4/97/JP | NoV/GII-6 | SaitamaU4 | AB039777 |
Hu/SaitamaU16/97/JP | NoV/GII-6 | SaitamaU16 | AB039778 |
Hu/SaitamaU17/97/JP | NoV/GII-6 | SaitamaU17 | AB039779 |
Hu/Seacroft/90/UK | NoV/GII-6† | Seacroft | AJ277620 |
Hu/Leeds/90/UK | NoV/GII-7 | Leeds | AJ277608 |
Hu/Gwynedd/273/94/US | NoV/GII-7 | Gwynedd | AF414409 |
Hu/Amsterdam/98-18/98/NET | NoV/GII-8 | Amsterdam | AF195848 |
Hu/SaitamaU25/97-99/JP | NoV/GII-8 | SaitamaU25 | AB039780 |
Hu/VA97207/97/US | NoV/GII-9‡ | VA97207 | AY038599 |
Hu/NLV/Erfurt/546/00/DE | NoV/GII-10 | Erfurt | AF427118 |
Hu/Mc37/00-01/THA | NoV/GII-10† | Mc37 | AY237415 |
Po/Sw43/97/JP | NoV/GII-11 | Sw43 | AB074892 |
Po/Sw918/97/JP | NoV/GII-11 | Sw918 | AB074893 |
Po/MI-QW48/02/US | NoV/GII-11 | QW48 | AY823303 |
Hu/Gifu/96/JP | NoV/GII-12‡ | Gifu | AB045603 |
HU/Wortley/90/UK | NoV/GII-12† | Wortley | AJ277618 |
Hu/SaitamaU1/97-99/JP | NoV/GII-12† | SaitamaU1 | AB039775 |
Hu/Fayetteville/98/US | NoV/GII-13 | Fayetteville | AY113106 |
Hu/M7/99/US | NoV/GII-14 | M7 | AY130761 |
Hu/J23/99/US | NoV/GII-15 | J23 | AY130762 |
Hu/Tiffin/99/US | NoV/GII-16 | Tiffin | AY502010 |
Hu/Neustrelitz260/00/DE | NoV/GII-16 | Neustrelitz | AY772730 |
Hu/CS-E1/02/US | NoV/GII-17 | CS-E1 | AY502009 |
Po/OH-QW101/03/US | NoV/GII-18 | QW101 | AY823304 |
Po/OH-QW125/03/US | NoV/GII-18 | QW125 | AY823305 |
Po/OH-QW170/03/US | NoV/GII-19‡ | QW170 | AY823306 |
Po/OH-QW218/03/US | NoV/GII-19‡ | QW218 | AY823307 |
Bo/Newbury-2/76/UK | NoV/GIII-2 | Newbury-2 | AF097917 |
Hu/Alphatron/98-2/98/NET | NoV/GIV | Alphatron | AF195847 |
Mu/MNV-1/03/US | NoV/GV | MNV-1 | AY228235 |
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Page created: February 02, 2012
Page updated: February 02, 2012
Page reviewed: February 02, 2012
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