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Volume 11, Number 3—March 2005

Disease Risks from Foods, England and Wales, 1996–2000

Goutam K. Adak*Comments to Author , Sallyanne M. Meakins*, Hopi Yip*, Benjamin A. Lopman*, and Sarah J. O'Brien*
Author affiliations: *Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, London, United Kingdom

Main Article

Table 5

Quality of evidence

Stage Data sources Evidence Principal assumptions Potential effects of bias on final estimates
All infectious intestinal disease Population studies Measured Representivity of data Moderate
Etiology Population studies Measured for most; inferred rarely Accuracy and sensitivity of diagnostic methods Moderate
Indigenous infection National laboratory report surveillance; special studies Measured Completeness of reporting Negligible
Foodborne transmission National outbreak surveillance (GSURV)* Measured for most; inferred rarely Representivity of data Major
Food attribution GSURV Measured Representivity of data Major
Presentations to primary care Population studies Measured Representivity of data Moderate
Hospitalizations GSURV; special studies Measured Representivity of data Moderate
Hospital occupancy Hospital episode statistics Measured Representivity of data Moderate
Deaths GSURV Measured Representivity of data Negligible
Food specific risks National food survey Measured Representivity of data Major

*GSURV, National Surveillance Database for General Outbreaks of Infectious Intestinal Disease.

Main Article

Page created: April 25, 2012
Page updated: April 25, 2012
Page reviewed: April 25, 2012
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.