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Volume 11, Number 3—March 2005

Mimivirus in Pneumonia Patients

Bernard La Scola*, Thomas J. Marrie†, Jean-Pierre Auffray‡, and Didier Raoult*Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: *Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France; †University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; ‡Hôpital de Ste Marguerite, Marseille, France

Main Article


As observed by scanning electronic microscopy, mimivirus antigen (A) is recognized by antibodies in our microimmunofluorescence assay using conventional fluorescence microscope (B) and confocal microscope (C). Mature particles within amebas are also recognized by antibodies seen with transmission electronic microscopy immunogold technique (D) (mimivirus particle size 400 nm).

Figure. . As observed by scanning electronic microscopy, mimivirus antigen (A) is recognized by antibodies in our microimmunofluorescence assay using conventional fluorescence microscope (B) and confocal microscope (C). Mature particles within amebas are also recognized by antibodies seen with transmission electronic microscopy immunogold technique (D) (mimivirus particle size 400 nm).

Main Article

Page created: April 25, 2012
Page updated: April 25, 2012
Page reviewed: April 25, 2012
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