Volume 11, Number 3—March 2005
Malaria Risk in Travelers
Table 5
Malaria risk for officially reported travelers compared to incidence (as reported to WHO, 2001*) and estimated rate (based on TDB) in corresponding region†
Data from in-flight/visa | Data from TDB | |||||||
Country |
Y |
Cases |
No. of travelers |
Risk/100,000 |
No. of
travelers |
Risk/100,000 |
95% CI |
Data from WHO
incidence/100,000 |
Thailand | 2001–2002 | 9 | 453,000 | 2.0 | 435,000 | 2.1 | 1.0–4.2 | 100 |
India | 2001–2003 | 7 | 48,687 | 14.4 | – | – | – | 192 |
Indian subcontinent | 2001–2003 | 25‡ | – | – | 72,000 | 35 | 17-71 | – |
Gambia | 1997–2003 | 79 | 31,242 | 253 | – | – | – | 10.096 |
West Africa | 1997–2003 | 242§ | – | – | 80,000 | 302 | 196–468 | – |
South Africa | 1997–2001 | 3 | 98,886 | 3 | – | – | – | 61 |
Southern Africa | 1997–2001 | 63¶ | – | – | 128,000 | 49 | 32–76 | – |
*Information from The Gambia was from 1999.
†WHO, World Health Organization (15);TDB, Swedish Travel and Tourist Database; CI, confidence intervals.
‡7 cases from India, 13 cases from Afghanistan, and 5 cases from Pakistan.
§6 cases from Benin, 4 cases from Burkina Faso, 31 cases from Ivory Coast, 79 cases from The Gambia, 65 cases from Ghana, 11 cases from Guinea, 5 cases from Guinea-Bissau, 11 cases from Liberia, 3 cases from Mali, 11 cases from Senegal, 11 cases from Sierra Leone, and 5 cases from Togo.
¶14 cases from Angola, 5 cases in Madagascar, 8 cases from Malawi, 13 cases from Mozambique, 3 cases from Namibia, 3 cases from South Africa, 7 cases from Zambia, and 10 cases from Zimbabwe.
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