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Volume 11, Number 4—April 2005

Echovirus 30, Jiangsu Province, China

Yan Nan Zhao*, Qing Wu Jiang*Comments to Author , Ren Jie Jiang†, Liang Chen*, and David S. Perlin‡
Author affiliations: *Fudan University, Shanghai, China; †Yancheng Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Yancheng, China; ‡International Center for Public Health, Newark, New Jersey, USA

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Pairwise comparisons of nucleotide and amino acid sequences among FDJS03 isolates and other human enteroviruses (HEVs)*

Cluster† Serotype FDJS03_18
nt aa nt aa nt aa nt aa
HEV-A CA3 46 34 46 34 46 34 46 34
CA4 44 32 44 31 44 31 44 32
CA5 47 34 47 34 47 34 47 34
CA6 47 33 47 33 47 33 47 33
CA12 46 33 46 33 46 33 46 33
CA14 42 29 41 29 42 29 42 29
HEV-B CB2 60 61 60 61 60 61 60 61
CB6 63 64 63 64 63 64 63 64
E1 64 65 64 65 64 65 64 65
E3 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62
E18 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
E21 69 78 69 78 69 79 69 79
E25 67 75 67 75 67 75 67 75
Echovirus 30 82 93 82 92 82 92 82 93
E32 61 62 61 62 61 62 61 62
HEV-C CA1 49 43 49 43 49 43 49 43
CA11 51 42 50 42 49 42 51 42
CA15 50 42 50 42 50 42 50 42
CA22 48 44 48 44 48 44 48 44
CA24 49 40 49 40 49 40 49 40
PV1 49 40 49 40 49 40 49 40
HEV-D EV68 48 34 48 34 48 34 48 34

*nt, nucleotide identity score; aa, amino acid identity score; boldface used to highlight echovirus 30 serotype.
†HEV-A was represented by CA3 (AF081294), CA4 (AF081295), CA5 (AF081296), CA6 (AF081297), CA12 (AF081302), and CA14 (AF081304); HEV-B was represented by CB2 (AF081312), CB6 (AF081313), E1 (AF081314), E3 (AF081316), E18 (AF081331), E21 (AF081334), E25 (AF081336), echovirus 30 (AF081340), and E32 (AF081345); HEV-C was represented by CA1 (AF081293), CA11 (AF081301), CA15 (AF081305), CA22 (AF081310), CA24 (AF081311), and PV1 (V01150); HEV-D was represented by EV68 (AF081348).

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Page created: May 23, 2011
Page updated: May 23, 2011
Page reviewed: May 23, 2011
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