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Volume 12, Number 10—October 2006

Human Prion Disease and Relative Risk Associated with Chronic Wasting Disease

W. John Pape†, Jeri Forster*, C. Alan Anderson‡§, Patrick Bosque‡¶, Patrick Bosque‡¶, Michael Miller#, and Samantha MaWhinney
Author affiliations: *University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, USA; †Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver, Colorado, USA; ‡University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado, USA; §Denver Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, USA; ¶Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, USA; #Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

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Figure 2

Colorado deaths 1979–2001 (left axis) with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) listed as the direct or contributory cause on the death certificate with age category at death identified by the plotting symbols 12–30 years ([[INLINEGRAPHIC('06-0019-S1')]]), 31–55 years(∆), 56–70 years ([[INLINEGRAPHIC('06-0019-S2')]]) and >70 years (↓). Indicators of CWD-endemic county resident (black circle), female (–), and black (X) or other ( | ) race are also identified. On the basis of these death certificate

Figure 2. Colorado deaths 1979–2001 (left axis) with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) listed as the direct or contributory cause on the death certificate with age category at death identified by the plotting symbols 12–30 years (formula image), 31–55 years(∆), 56–70 years (formula image) and >70 years (↓). Indicators of CWD-endemic county resident (black circle), female (–), and black (X) or other ( | ) race are also identified. On the basis of these death certificate data and Colorado demographic data (34), we also display a smoothed CJD death rate per million population over time (right axis) (∙ – ∙).

Main Article

Page created: December 05, 2011
Page updated: December 05, 2011
Page reviewed: December 05, 2011
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