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Volume 12, Number 7—July 2006

Rickettsia sibirica Isolation from a Patient and Detection in Ticks, Portugal

Rita de Sousa*Comments to Author , Conceição Barata†, Liliana Vitorino‡, Margarida Santos-Silva*, Carlos Carrapato§, Jorge Torgal¶, David Walker#, and Fátima Bacellar*
Author affiliations: *Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr Ricardo Jorge, Águas de Moura, Portugal; †Hospital do Espírito Santo-Évora, Évora, Portugal; ‡Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal; §Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Mértola, Portugal; ¶Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal; #University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA

Main Article

Figure 2

Figure 2. Unrooted consensus tree inferred from 1,000 replicated trees based on partial ompA gene sequence. Evolutionary distances were estimated by the Kimura 2-parameter model, and phylogenetic relationships were assessed by neighbor-joining method. Bootstrap values are indicated at the nodes. Branches with bootstrap values <50% are collapsed. Portuguese Rickettsia strains are indicated by boldface type. GenBank accession numbers are indicated for each rickettsia.

Main Article

Page created: December 16, 2011
Page updated: December 16, 2011
Page reviewed: December 16, 2011
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