Volume 12, Number 9—September 2006
Eighth Major Clade for Hepatitis Delta Virus
Figure 2

Figure 2. Maximum likelihood trees inferred from hepatitis delta virus (HDV) nucleotide sequences. Left panel: Maximum-likelihood phylogram obtained from the small hepatitis delta antigen dataset. Right panel: Maximum-likelihood phylogram obtained from the full-length HDV genome dataset. Bootstrap values (103 replicates) obtained for neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony are indicated above the branches; posterior probabilities (inferred from 5×103 trees generated from MrBayes application) are indicated below the branches. Asterisks indicate HDV sequences characterized in this study. Scale is in percent expected substitution per position. The accession numbers of the sequences used were AF209859, AF209859; Cagliari, X85253; China, X77627; dFr45, AX741164; dFr47, AX741149; dFr48, AX741164; dFr73, AX741154; dFr644, AX741169; dFr910, AX741159; dFr1843, AJ583885; dFr2005 (Guinea-Bissau), AM183331; dFr2020, AJ583887; dFr2072 (Senegal), AM183330; dFr2139 (Central African Republic), AM183332; dFr2158 (Cameroon), AM183333; dFr2600 (Togo), AM183326; dFr2627 (Nigeria), AM183329; dFr2703 (Senegal), AM183328; dFr2736 (Côte d'Ivoire), AM183327; Ethiopia, U81989; HDV-Iran, AY633627; Italy, X04451; Japan, X60193; L215, AB088679; Lebanon, M84917; Miyako, AF309420; Miyako-36, AB118845; Miyako-37, AB118846; Nagasaki-2, AB118849; Nauru, M58629; Peru-1, L22063; Somalia, U81988; Taiwan, M92448; Taiwan-3, U19598; Taiwan-Tw-2b, AF018077; Tokyo, AB118847; TW2476, AF104264; TW2667, AF104263; US-1, D01075; US-2, L22066; Vnzd8349, AB037948; Vnzd8375, AB037947; Vnzd8624, AB037949; Yakut-26, AJ309879; and Yakut-62, AJ309880.
1These authors contributed equally to this work.