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Volume 13, Number 3—March 2007

Clostridium difficile–associated Disease in New Jersey Hospitals, 2000–20041

Esther T. Tan*†2Comments to Author , Corwin A. Robertson*, Shereen Brynildsen*, Eddy Bresnitz*, Christina Tan*, and Clifford McDonald†
Author affiliations: *New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Trenton, New Jersey, USA; †Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA;

Main Article

Table 1

Clostridium difficile infection rates in acute-care hospitals, New Jersey, 2000–2004*

20002001200220032004MeanTotal2004 rate/
2000 rate
C. difficile cases1,5851,5402,2012,9745,0942,67913,394NA
C. difficile cases/1,000 admissions3.
C. difficile–positive test results2,3552,7595,1938,59212,4456,26931,344NA
C. difficile–positive test results/1,000 admissions4.24.47.812.418.49.4NA4.4
C. difficile–complicated cases23512431365NA
C. difficile complication rate† (%)
C. difficile healthcare-associated outbreaks (no. hospitals affected)2 (2)6 (1)10 (7)11 (7)25 (12)1154NA
C. difficile healthcare-associated outbreak rate‡3.710.918.219.64419.3NA11.9
Deaths reported within 30 days after diagnosis0023508732160NA
30-day C. difficile crude mortality rate (%)§
Recurrent C. difficile cases0177617151255NA
Recurrent C. difficile rate¶ (%)

*NA, not available.
†Percentage of C. difficile patients in whom complications developed.
‡Outbreaks per 100 acute-care hospitals that responded.
§2004 rate/2002 rate.
¶Percentage of C. difficile patients whose infections recurred.
#2004 rate/2001 rate.

*NA, not available.
†Percentage of C. difficile patients in whom complications developed.
‡Outbreaks per 100 acute-care hospitals that responded.
§2004 rate/2002 rate.
¶Percentage of C. difficile patients whose infections recurred.
#2004 rate/2001 rate.

*NA, not available.
†Percentage of C. difficile patients in whom complications developed.
‡Outbreaks per 100 acute-care hospitals that responded.
§2004 rate/2002 rate.
¶Percentage of C. difficile patients whose infections recurred.
#2004 rate/2001 rate.

*NA, not available.
†Percentage of C. difficile patients in whom complications developed.
‡Outbreaks per 100 acute-care hospitals that responded.
§2004 rate/2002 rate.
¶Percentage of C. difficile patients whose infections recurred.
#2004 rate/2001 rate.

Main Article

1Presented in part at the 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 20, 2006.

2Current affiliation: United Nations, New York, New York, USA

Page created: June 29, 2010
Page updated: June 29, 2010
Page reviewed: June 29, 2010
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