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Volume 14, Number 2—February 2008

Cost-effectiveness of Antiviral Stockpiling and Near-Patient Testing for Potential Influenza Pandemic

M. Ruby Siddiqui*Comments to Author  and W. John Edmunds*
Author affiliations: *Health Protection Agency, London, UK;

Main Article

Figure 4

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of the incremental cost-effectiveness of the treat-only over the no-intervention strategy and the test-treat strategy over the treat-only strategy for the A) 1918 and B) 1957/69 death scenarios (1,000 iterations). Cost-effective strategies lie to the right of the cost-effectiveness threshold (£30,000 per quality-adjusted life year [QALY] gained).

Figure 4. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of the incremental cost-effectiveness of the treat-only over the no-intervention strategy and the test-treat strategy over the treat-only strategy for the A) 1918 and B) 1957/69 death scenarios (1,000 iterations). Cost-effective strategies lie to the right of the cost-effectiveness threshold (£30,000 per quality-adjusted life year [QALY] gained).

Main Article

Page created: July 08, 2010
Page updated: July 08, 2010
Page reviewed: July 08, 2010
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