Volume 15, Number 11—November 2009
Population Mobility, Globalization, and Antimicrobial Drug Resistance
Global estimates of annual migrant populations
Administrative category | Population estimates and year | Reference |
Refugees | 16 million in 2007 | (18) |
Asylum seekers or refugee claimants | 650,000 in 2007 | (18) |
Internally displaced persons | 51 million in 2007, includes those displaced by natural disasters and conflict | (18) |
Temporary (recreational or business travel) movement | 924 million in 2008 | (19) |
Regular immigrants | Annual flow of 2.4 million, reported in 2005 (from a stock of 200 million immigrants worldwide) | (20) |
International students | 2.1 million in 2003 | (21) |
Migrant workers | 81–86 million in 2005 | (22) |
Trafficked (across international borders) persons | Estimated 800,000 in 2006 | (23) |
Domestic arrivals, by air | Estimated 900 million in 2007 | (24) |
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Page created: December 09, 2010
Page updated: December 09, 2010
Page reviewed: December 09, 2010
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