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Volume 16, Number 10—October 2010

Severe Plasmodium vivax Malaria, Brazilian Amazon

Márcia A. Alexandre, Cynthia O. Ferreira, André M. Siqueira, Belisa L. Magalhães, Maria Paula G. Mourão, Marcus V. LacerdaComments to Author , and Maria das Graças C. Alecrim
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil (M.A. Alexandre, C.O. Ferreira, M.P.G. Mourão, M.V. Lacerda); Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus (M.A. Alexandre, A.M. Siqueira, B.L. Magalhães, M.P.G. Mourão, M.V. Lacerda, M.G.C. Alecrim); Centro Universitário Nilton Lins, Manaus (M.A. Alexandre, A.M. Siqueira, M.P.G. Mourão, M.V. Lacerda, M.G.C. Alecrim)

Main Article


Hand of a 2-year-old child (patient no. 1) with severe anemia (hemoglobin level 3.6 g/dL), showing intense pallor, compared with the hand of a healthy physician. Photograph provided by authors.

Figure. Hand of a 2-year-old child (patient no. 1) with severe anemia (hemoglobin level 3.6 g/dL), showing intense pallor, compared with the hand of a healthy physician. Photograph provided by authors.

Main Article

Page created: September 07, 2011
Page updated: September 07, 2011
Page reviewed: September 07, 2011
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