Volume 16, Number 3—March 2010
Blood Meal Analysis to Identify Reservoir Hosts for Amblyomma americanum Ticks
Table 2
Oligonucleotide sequences of vertebrate probes used in reverse line blot assay
Probe ID | Probe name | Nucleotide sequence (5′ → 3′) | Reference sequence |
PRNA010 | Aves | ccgacctccggggacgc | * |
PRNA012 | Passeriformes | gggcccgcccggcagct | * |
PRNA029 | Galliformes | gggctcgcccggcggct | * |
PRNA042 | Squamata/testudines | cgctgacctccggggatgc | Sceloporus undulatus (M36359, M59400), Crotaphytus collaris collaris† (FJ797666), Trachemys scripta† (FJ797668), Scincella lateralis (AY217908), Eumeces fasciatus (AY217920), Elaphe obsoleta† (FJ797667), Heterodon platirhinos (M59392) |
PRNA043 | Amphibia | cgctgacccccagggatgc | Rana amurensis (AF542043), R. chensinensis (AY145522), Xenopus laevis (X04025) |
PRNA045 | Ruminantia | ggtcagcctcctcccggc | Odocoileus virginianus† (FJ797665), Capreolus capreolus L (AY150545), Cervus elaphus L (AY150547), Bos taurus (AY779625) |
PRNA018 | Leporidae | cgggggggtgggcgccg | * |
PRNA047 | Leporidae/carnivore | ggtcagcctccccccggc | Sylvilagus floridanus (FJ797663), Procyon lotor† (FJ797659), Felis catus L (AY150542), |
PRNA046 | Canidae | ggtcagcctccctccggc | Canis latrans† (FJ797662), Canis lupus familiaris† (FJ797658), C. lupus familiaris (DQ287955), Vulpes vulpes (AY150549) |
PRNA026 | Sciurus | cggtcagcttccccccgg | * |
PRNA037 | Blarina | agcctcccctcggctccg | Blarina sp.† (FJ797661) |
PRNA030 | Erinaceus | ctccctccggctccggc | * |
PRNA017 | Myodes 1 | gagctcccccgcggccc | * |
PRNA050 | Myodes 2 | cgacgggcgccgacccc | Myodes glareolus (AY150543) |
PRNA011 | Murinae/gerbilinae | ccctcccggctccggccg | * |
PRNA034 | Rattus | cggtcagccccctcccgg | Rattus norvegicus (X01117) |
PRNA033 | Mus | ccggtgagctccctcccgg | Mus musculus (X00686) |
PRNA035 | Sigmodontinae | tcagctccctcccggcccc | Peromyscus sp.† (FJ797660), Peromyscus leucopus (AY591913) |
PRNA032 | Didelphis | cggcggcttccccctaacc | Didelphis virginiana (J311677) |
PRNA048 | Mephitis | ggtcagcctctccccggc | Mephitis mephitis† (FJ797664) |
*Designed by Pichon et al. 2003 (13).
†Sequence obtained in this study.
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Page created: December 14, 2010
Page updated: December 14, 2010
Page reviewed: December 14, 2010
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