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Volume 16, Number 8—August 2010

Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis Infection in Horses

Petr Kriz, Petr Jahn, Barbora Bezdekova, Mariana Blahutkova, Vojtech Mrlik, Iva Slana, and Ivo PavlikComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic (P. Kriz, M. Blahutkova, V. Mrlik, I. Slana, I. Pavlik); University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno (P. Jahn, B. Bezdekova)

Main Article


Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis in tissues of a 1-year-old Fjord filly*

Sample source Mycobacteria detection
Microscopy Culture IS1245 IS901
Feces + 6.31 × 105
Lymph node of transversal colon + + 1.84 × 109
Lymph node of descending colon + + 5.89 × 109
Transversal colon wall + + 3.98 × 107
Descending colon wall + + 6.33 × 106
Liver + NT NT
Mesenteric lymph node +++ + 2.47 × 1011
Kidney + NT NT
Spleen + NT NT
Diaphragm 8.22 × 104

*qPCR, quantitative real-time PCR; −, negative finding; +, few acid-fast rods (AFR); NT, not tested; +++, >100 AFR (per 50 microscopic fields).
†No. IS1245 copies/g.

Main Article

Page created: March 30, 2011
Page updated: March 30, 2011
Page reviewed: March 30, 2011
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