Volume 16, Number 9—September 2010
Human Herpesvirus 8 Genotype E in Patients with Kaposi Sarcoma, Peru
Figure 2
![Unrooted phylogenetic tree generated with the neighbor-joining method (PAUP* version 4.0b10; http://paup.csit.fsu.edu) on the best 165-bp alignment of the variable region [VR] 1 comprising 79 human herpesvirus 8 nt sequences, including 25 novel sequences generated (GenBank accession nos. GU827339–GU827363). The strains were aligned with Data Analysis in Molecular Biology software (http://dambe.bio.uottawa.ca/software.asp), and the final alignment was submitted to the ModelTest software version 3](/eid/images/10-0381-F2.gif)
Figure 2. Unrooted phylogenetic tree generated with the neighbor-joining method (PAUP* version 4.0b10; http://paup.csit.fsu.edu) on the best 165-bp alignment of the variable region [VR] 1 comprising 79 human herpesvirus 8 nt sequences, including 25 novel sequences generated (GenBank accession nos. GU827339–GU827363). The strains were aligned with Data Analysis in Molecular Biology software (http://dambe.bio.uottawa.ca/software.asp), and the final alignment was submitted to the ModelTest software version 3.6 (http://darwin.uvigo.es/software/modeltest.html) to select, according to the Akaike Information Criterion, the best model to apply to phylogenetic analyses. The selected model was the general time reversible model. The reliability of the inferred tree was evaluated by bootstrap analysis on 1,000 replicates. Bootstrap support is noted on the branches of the tree.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.