Volume 17, Number 10—October 2011
Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis, People’s Republic of China, 2007–2009
Figure 1

Figure 1. The allelic diversity of each VNTR loci (h) and the discriminating power according to the Hunter-Gaston index (HGI) were calculated by using this algorithm (32). MIRU-VNTR, mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit–variable number of tandem repeats; xi, the frequency of allele i; n, total no. of strains in the scheme; N, total number of strains in the typing scheme; s, total no. of different MIRU-VNTR patterns, nj, no. of strains belonging to the jth type.
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1These authors contributed equally to this article.
Page created: September 20, 2011
Page updated: September 20, 2011
Page reviewed: September 20, 2011
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