Volume 17, Number 5—May 2011
Transstadial Transmission of Francisella tularensis holarctica in Mosquitoes, Sweden
Figure 1

Figure 1. Multiple alignment of the 11 Francisella lpnA sequences obtained from mosquitoes in Sweden (hatched from field-collected larvae) with previously published sequences of Francisella species and subspecies, and Francisella-like endosymbionts (FLE). Boxed nucleotides represent target sequences of lpnA primers. The nucleotide positions 592–674 refer to F. tularensis holarctica live vaccine strain (LVS). Colors indicate individual nucleotides to clearly delineate those diverging from the F. tularensis holarctica LVS sequence. Reference sequences from GenBank; F. tularensis holarctica LVS (M32059), F. tularensis tularensis strain WY96-3418 (CP000608), F. tularensis tularensis strain Schu S4 (NC_006570), F. tularensis mediasiatica strain FSC147 (NC_010677), F. tularensis novicida strain U112 (CP000439), Amblyomma maculatum FLE (AY375422), Dermacentor hunteri FLE (AY375417), D. andersonii FLE (AY375413), D. variabilis FLE (AY375420), D. variabilis FLE (AY375421), F. philomiragia (AY243030), and F. piscicida (DQ825765).