Volume 17, Number 5—May 2011
Detection and Phylogenetic Characterization of Human Hepatitis E Virus Strains, Czech Republic

Figure. Phylogenetic tree constructed with MEGA version 3.1 software (www.megasoftware.net) by using the neighbor-joining method with 1,000 replication in bootstrap test based on 242-bp–long sequences within open reading frame 1 (OFR1) of hepatitis E virus (HEV) isolates and only bootstrap values (percentages) >50 are indicated on the tree. Key: ■, sequences originating from 5 Czech patients; □, representatives of genotype 3 subtypes: 3e (strain G2), 3f (strain G1), and 3g (strain Osh 205); and the 5 HEV strains most similar to human isolates from the Czech Republic: human strains from Germany, V0713286 and V0714229; swine strains from Japan, swJ12–4, swJ8–5, and swJB-E10; human strain from Japan, JNH-Ehi04L; swine strain from Hungary, HUN-072; swine strains from the Netherlands, NLSW28 and NLSW82; swine strain from Spain, SWP6; human strain from Spain, VH2; ▲, strains from the Czech Republic originating from domestic pigs, CZswHEV6 and CZswHEV21; and from wild boars, CZwbHEV51–09 and CZwbHEV71–09. GenBank accession numbers of chosen sequences are included in the phylogenetic tree. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.