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Volume 17, Number 8—August 2011

Bagaza Virus in Partridges and Pheasants, Spain, 2010

Montserrat Agüero, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Dolores Buitrago, Azucena Sánchez, Maia Elizalde, Elena San Miguel, Ruben Villalba, Francisco Llorente, and Miguel Ángel Jiménez-ClaveroComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria, Algete, Spain (M. Agüero, D. Buitrago, A. Sánchez, E. San Miguel, R. Villalba); Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal, Valdeolmos, Spain (J. Fernández-Pinero, M. Elizalde, F. Llorente, M.A. Jiménez-Clavero)

Main Article


Analysis of red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) and common pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) for WNV and BAGV, Cádiz, Spain, 2010*

Species No. animals analyzed Sample type No. positive/no. tested
Virus isolation in ECE,
no. samples positive/no. tested†
A. rufa 11 Brain 0/11 11/11 1/3 (AF)
Cloacal swab 0/2 1/2 NA
Oral swab 0/2 1/2 NA
Gut 0/1 1/1 NA
Heart‡ 0/1 1/1 1/3 (AF)
Kidney‡ 0/1 1/1 2/3 (AF, CM, and VS)
Lung 0/1 1/1 NA
Liver 0/1 1/1 NA
Blood 0/1 1/1 NA

P. colchicus 2 Brain 0/2 2/2 NA

*West Nile virus (WNV) or Bagaza virus (BAGV) nucleic acids were identified by using real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) or panflaviviral heminested RT-PCR, respectively, and amplicon (214 bp) sequencing. ECE, embryonated chicken egg; AF, allantoic fluid; NA, not analyzed; CM, chorioallantoic fluid; VS, viscera.
†ECEs were infected with homogenates of various samples.
‡Samples from which full-length sequence of BAGV was obtained.
§Tail, breast, and wing feathers from 1 partridge were analyzed.

Main Article

Page created: August 15, 2011
Page updated: August 15, 2011
Page reviewed: August 15, 2011
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