Volume 18, Number 1—January 2012
Temperate Climate Niche for Cryptococcus gattii in Northern Europe
Figure. Unrooted bootstrap maximum-likelihood phylogenetic multilocus sequence typing analysis of Cryptococcus gattii genotype AFLP4/VGI isolates based on 7 unlinked nuclear loci (5). Red indicates the 3 C. gattii isolates from the Netherlands cultured from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) (CBS12349, CBS12355, CBS12356) and 1 clinical isolate from 1957 from the Netherlands (CBS2502) (6). Green indicates the previously observed European Mediterranean cluster, with clinical, animal and environmental isolates (3). All other C. gattii AFLP4/VGI isolates originate mainly from Australia, Africa, and South America, as described (5). The isolates from the Netherlands are closely related to isolates that originated from the Mediterranean region. Numbers next to branches show bootstrap support (>80).
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