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Volume 18, Number 6—June 2012

Molecular Epidemiology of Laguna Negra Virus, Mato Grosso State, Brazil

Elizabeth S. Travassos da Rosa, Daniele B.A. Medeiros, Márcio R.T. Nunes, Darlene B. Simith, Armando de S. Pereira, Mauro R. Elkhoury, Elizabeth Davi Santos, Marília Lavocat, Aparecido A. Marques, Alba V.G. Via, Vânia A. Kohl, Ana C.P. Terças, Paulo D`Andrea, Cibele R. Bonvícino, Elba R. Sampaio de Lemos, and Pedro F.C. VasconcelosComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Evandro Chagas Institute, Ministry of Health, Ananindeua, Brazil (E.S. Travassos da Rosa, D.B. Medeiros, M.R. Nunes, D.B. Simith, A.S. Pereira, P.F. Vasconcelos); National Foundation of Health, Brasília, Brazil (M.R. Elkhoury); Surveillance Health Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Brasília (E.D. dos Santos, M. Lavocat); Mato Grosso State Health Secretariat, Cuiabá, Brazil (A.A. Marques; A.V. Via); Universitary Center Cândido Rondon, Cuiabá (V.A. Kohl); Rural Producers Sindicate, Campo Novo do Parecis, Brazil (A.C. Terças); Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (P. D’andrea, C.R. Bonvicino); National Câncer Institute, Rio de Janeiro (C.R. Bonvicino); Pará State University, Belém, Brazil (P.F. Vasconcelos)

Main Article

Figure 2

Phylogenetic comparison of the partial nucleotide sequences of nucleoprotein (N) gene of the small (S) RNA segment of different hantavirus strains from the Old World and New World by using the maximum-likelihood method and Bayesian analysis (A), and detail (B) of the phylogenetic relationship between LNV strains isolated from humans and rodents in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Bootstrap and Bayesian values (within parentheses) are shown for each respective knot. The arrows indicate the exact

Figure 2. . . Phylogenetic comparison of the partial nucleotide sequences of nucleoprotein (N) gene of the small (S) RNA segment of different hantavirus strains from the Old World and New World by using the maximum-likelihood method and Bayesian analysis, with detail of the phylogenetic relationship between LNV strains isolated from humans and rodents in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Bootstrap and Bayesian values (within parentheses) are shown for each respective knot. The arrows indicate the exact position of the values. Numbers within brackets correspond to the divergence between groups. Scale bar indicates 30% divergence of nucleotide sequences. APV, Alto Paraguay; ANAJV, Anajatuba, ANDV, Andes; BMJV, Andes Bermejo, NEMV, Andes Neembuco, LECV, Andes Lechiguanas; ORNV, Andes Oran; ARAV, Araraquara; BAYV, Bayou; BCCV, Black Creek Canal; CANOV, Cano Delgadito; CASV, Castelo dos Sonhos; CHOV, Choclo; EMCV, El Moro Canyon; HTNV, Hantaan; JUQV; Juquitiba-Araucaria; LNV, Laguna Negra; LSCV, Limestone Canyon; MULV, Muleshoe; NYV, New York; PRNV, Pergamino; PUUV, Puumala; RIOMV, Rio Mamoré; RIMEV, Rio Mearim; RIOSV, Rio Segundo; SEOV, Seoul; SNV, Sin Nombre; TULV, Tula.

Main Article

Page created: May 10, 2012
Page updated: May 10, 2012
Page reviewed: May 10, 2012
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