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Volume 19, Number 12—December 2013

Transmission of Brucellosis from Elk to Cattle and Bison, Greater Yellowstone Area, USA, 2002–2012

Jack C. RhyanComments to Author , Pauline Nol, Christine Quance, Arnold Gertonson, John Belfrage, Lauren Harris, Kelly Straka, and Suelee Robbe-Austerman
Author affiliations: National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA (J.C. Rhyan, P. Nol, L. Harris, K. Straka); Natural Resources Research Center, Fort Collins (A. Gertonson, J. Belfrage); National Veterinary Services Laboratories, Ames, Iowa, USA (C. Quance, S. Robbe-Austerman)

Main Article

Figure 2

Minimum spanning tree generated from variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) data for 348 Brucella abortus isolates in the National Veterinary Services Laboratory database. Each sphere, or node, represents a unique VNTR type. Nodes are color coded according to the source of the isolate, and segments of nodes represent isolates from different animals with the same VNTR profile. The numbers represent the herd designations as indicated in the Table (note that herd no. 2 is not represented in this figu

Figure 2. . Minimum spanning tree generated from variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) data for 348 Brucella abortus isolates in the National Veterinary Services Laboratory database. Each sphere, or node, represents a unique VNTR type. Nodes are color coded according to the source of the isolate, and segments of nodes represent isolates from different animals with the same VNTR profile. The numbers represent the herd designations as indicated in the Table (note that herd no. 2 is not represented in this figure).

Main Article

Page created: November 19, 2013
Page updated: November 19, 2013
Page reviewed: November 19, 2013
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