Volume 19, Number 12—December 2013
Zoonotic Chlamydiaceae Species Associated with Trachoma, Nepal
Figure 2

Figure 2. . . Identification of Chlamydiaceae triple infection by using the ArrayTube (Alere Technologies, Jena, Germany) assay. A) Biotinylated PCR product from a DNA extract was hybridized to a DNA microarray carrying species-specific probes from the 23S rRNA gene locus (17). Bar graph shows specific hybridization signals for genus Chlamydia (1), C. trachomatis (2), C. suis (3), and C. psittaci (4) in sample 67. Other signals represent nonspecific cross-hybridization. B) ompA genotyping of the C. trachomatis strain from sample 64 conducted by using the ArrayStrip platform that is specific for C. trachomatis. The best match of this sample was genotype C. The genotype has been determined by automatic comparison of experimentally obtained (black bars) and theoretically constructed (gray bars) hybridization patterns with use of the software's PatternMatch algorithm. The numerical values of matching score MS (measure of similarity between sample and reference strain) and Delta MS (numerical difference between best and second best match) indicate that the identification is highly accurate (21). The rightmost bars represent internal staining control (biotinylated oligonucleotide probe) and spotting buffer (background).
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