Volume 20, Number 12—December 2014
Ecosystem Effects of Variant Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, Iberian Peninsula

Figure. Trends in rabbit abundance (number of rabbits/km) in Aragón and Doñana National Park, northern and southern Spain, respectively, and in the number of Iberian lynx cubs born in the wild in Spain. A) Average rabbit abundance (+SD) of populations showing long-term increasing trend over the whole sampling period (n = 18) in Aragón (8); B) average rabbit abundance (+SD) of populations showing long-term decreasing trend over the whole sampling period (n = 25) in Aragón (8); C) rabbit abundance over the study period in Coto del Rey (circles), which is likely the main area for rabbits and lynxes within Doñana National Park; and average rabbit abundance (+SD) over the study period of 7 low-density populations (squares) within Doñana National Park (see details about methods in http://www-rbd.ebd.csic.es/Seguimiento/mediobiologico/conejo/pnd/ProtocoloCensoConejosPND.pdf); and D) total number of lynx cubs born in the wild during 2002–2013 in Spain (data available at http://www.lifelince.org and http://www.juntandeandalucia.es).
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