Volume 20, Number 8—August 2014
Zika Virus Infection after Travel to Tahiti, December 2013

Figure. Phylogenetic analysis of partial (≈200 bp) nonstructural protein 3 gene sequences of Zika virus strains performed by using maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methodsA substitution model was based on a general time-reversible model with gamma-distributed rate variation and a proportion of invariant sitesNumbers at the nodes represent posterior probability values (clade credibilities >90%) and percentage bootstrap support values (>70%) based on 1,000 replicatesGenBank accession numbers, strain name, year of isolation, and country of origin for sequences used to construct the tree are indicated on the branchesThe tree was rooted with Spondweni virus (GenBank accession noDQ859064)Strain Tahiti (from patient who had traveled to Tahiti, this study) is indicated in boldfaceThe scale bar represents genetic distance in nucleotide substitutions per siteThe lineage of each virus is indicated to the right of the tree.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.