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Volume 21, Number 2—February 2015

Murine Typhus, Reunion, France, 2011–2013

Elsa Balleydier1Comments to Author , Guillaume Camuset1, Cristina Socolovschi, Marie-Pierre Moiton, Barbara Kuli, Aurélie Foucher, Patrice Poubeau, Gianandrea Borgherini, Guillaume Wartel, Héla Audin, Didier Raoult, Laurent Filleul, Philippe Parola, and Fréderic Pagès
Author affiliations: Institut de Veille Sanitaire, Saint Denis, Réunion, France (E. Balleydier, L. Filleul, F. Pagès); Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Réunion, Saint Pierre, Réunion (G. Camuset, A. Foucher, P. Poubeau, G. Borgherini, G. Wartel); Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Émergentes, Marseille, France (C. Socolovschi, D. Raoult, P. Parola); Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Réunion, Saint-Denis, Réunion (M.-P. Moiton, B. Kuli); Centre Hospitalier Gabriel Martin, Saint-Paul, Réunion (H. Audin)

Main Article


Confirmation of 8 murine typhus cases, Reunion, France, January 2011–January 2013*

Pt no. Age, y/sex Onset date Onset to first sample, d First test result
First to second sample, d Second test result
Second to third sample, d Third test result
Confirmatory test results
Onset to PCR, d
IgM† IgG‡ IgM† IgG‡ IgM† IgG‡ WB PCR
1 55/M 2011 Jan 18 512 256 76 0 256 R. typhi ND
2 66/M 2011 Dec 30 512 128 63 128 128 R. typhi ND
3 41/F 2012 Jan 33 512 128 66 512 256 R. typhi Neg 17
4 49/M 2012 Feb 14 0 0 22 512 128 39 128 128 R. typhi Neg 14
5 47/F 2012 Nov 12 256 128 26 256 512 ND ND
6 50/M 2012 Dec 11 0 0 19 512 256 ND Pos 11
7 21/F 2012 Dec 9 128 128 48 512 256 ND ND
8 39/F 2013 Jan 37 512 128 172 0 512 ND ND

*All samples were serum samples. Blank cells indicate a third serum sample was not tested. ND, not done; neg, negative; pos, positive; pt, patient; WB, Western blot.
†IgM pos if titer >1:64.
‡IgG pos if titer >1:128.

Main Article

1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: January 21, 2015
Page updated: January 21, 2015
Page reviewed: January 21, 2015
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