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Volume 22, Number 12—December 2016

Tuberculosis-Associated Death among Adult Wild Boars, Spain, 2009–2014

Jose A. BarasonaComments to Author , Pelayo Acevedo, Iratxe Diez-Delgado, Joao Queiros, Ricardo Carrasco-García, Christian Gortazar, and Joaquín Vicente
Author affiliations: Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos, Ciudad Real, Spain (J.A. Barasona, P. Acevedo, I. Diez-Delgado, J. Queiros, R. Carrasco-Garcia, C. Gortazar, J. Vicente); Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (J.A. Barasona, I. Diez-Delgado); Centro de Investigacão em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Vairão, Portugal (J. Queiros); Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal (J. Queiros)

Main Article


Causes of death of GPS-collared adult wild boars (Sus scrofa), Spain, 2009–2014*

Variable Study site
Montes de Toledo† Doñana National Park‡
No. GPS-collared wild boars 24 21 45
Mean survival time ± SE, d§ 297.28 ± 40.91 672.78 ± 96.53 470.43 ± 58.69
Mean annual survival rate ± SE, %¶ 44.17 ± 7.55 66.35 ± 7.73 54.52 ± 5.60
Mean annual mortality rate ± SE, %¶
55.83 ± 7.55
33.64 ± 7.73
45.48 ± 5.60
Proportion of deaths, %
From harvest 72.22 25 53.33
From tuberculosis 22.22 41.67 30.00
From other causes 5.56 33.93 16.67

*GPS, global positioning system.
†High harvest pressure.
‡Low harvest pressure.
§Mantel-Cox log-rank, χ2 = 11.42, 1 d.f., p = 0.001.
¶Mann-Whitney U test, U = −1.994, p = 0.046.

Main Article

Page created: November 18, 2016
Page updated: November 18, 2016
Page reviewed: November 18, 2016
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