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Volume 23, Number 10—October 2017

Disease Burden of Clostridium difficile Infections in Adults, Hong Kong, China, 2006–2014

Jeffery Ho1, Rudin Z.W. Dai1, Thomas N.Y. Kwong, Xiansong Wang, Lin Zhang, Margaret Ip, Raphael Chan, Peter M.K. Hawkey, Kelvin L.Y. Lam, Martin C.S. Wong, Gary Tse, Matthew T.V. Chan, Francis K.L. Chan, Jun Yu, Siew C. Ng, Nelson Lee, Justin C.Y. Wu, Joseph J.Y. Sung, William K.K. WuComments to Author , and Sunny H. WongComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (J. Ho, R.Z.W. Dai, T.N.Y. Kwong, X. Wang, L. Zhang, M. Ip, R. Chan, K.L.Y. Lam, M.C.S. Wong, G. Tse, M.T.V. Chan, F.K.L. Chan, J. Yu, S.C. Ng, N. Lee, J.C.Y. Wu, J.J.Y. Sung, W.K.K. Wu, S.H. Wong); Health Protection Agency, Birmingham, UK (P.M.K. Hawkey); University of Birmingham, Birmingham (P.M.K. Hawkey)

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Table 1

Estimated crude incidence of Clostridium difficile infections, Hong Kong, China, by epidemiologic category, 2006–2014*

Year Adult population† No. (%) CDI‡
Incidence/100,000 persons
2006 5,571,096 903 836 (92.58) 48 (5.32) 16.21 15.01 0.86 15.41 14.26 0.82
2007 5,553,789 849 786 (92.58) 35 (4.12) 15.29 14.15 0.63 14.35 13.29 0.59
2008 5,635,881 953 888 (93.18) 41 (4.30) 16.91 15.76 0.73 15.53 14.68 0.67
2009 5,711,689 1,156 1,082 (93.60) 42 (3.63) 20.24 18.94 0.74 23.11 21.63 0.84
2010 5,788,704 1,389 1,284 (92.44) 62 (4.46) 24.00 22.18 1.07 20.77 19.19 0.93
2011 5,865,870 2,079 1,890 (90.91) 105 (5.05) 35.44 32.22 1.79 23.40 21.28 1.18
2012 5,943,512 2,576 2,341 (90.88) 141 (5.47) 43.34 39.39 2.37 33.32 30.28 1.82
2013 6,014,771 2,844 2,594 (91.21) 163 (5.73) 47.28 43.13 2.71 34.71 31.66 1.99
2014 6,085,892 3,004 2,701 (89.91) 180 (5.99) 49.36 44.38 2.96 36.31 39.90 2.18
Overall¶ NA NA NA NA 29.46 (15.85–43.07)# 26.94 (14.79–39.09) 1.51 (0.63–2.39) 24.10 (17.42–30.77) 22.91 (15.86–29.96) 1.22 (0.76–1.69)

*CDI, Clostridium difficile infection; CA-CDI, community-associated CDI; HA-CDI, healthcare-associated CDI; NA, not applicable.
†Midyear population >18 years of age reported by the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong.
‡There were 534 indeterminate cases according to criteria of Cohen et al (13): n = 19 (2006); n = 28 (2007); n = 24 (2008); n = 32 (2009); n = 43 (2010); n = 84 (2011); n = 94 (2012); n = 87 (2013); n = 123 (2014).
§Overall incidence adjusted for diagnostic method use, assuming equal sensitivity across tests. The 2010 cohort was used as the reference population.
¶Values in parentheses in this row are 95% CIs.
#p<0.01 by χ2 test for trend.

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1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: September 18, 2017
Page updated: September 18, 2017
Page reviewed: September 18, 2017
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