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Volume 23, Number 11—November 2017

Increased Detection of Emergent Recombinant Norovirus GII.P16-GII.2 Strains in Young Adults, Hong Kong, China, 2016–2017

Kirsty Kwok, Sandra Niendorf, Nelson Lee, Tin-Nok Hung, Lok-Yi Chan, Sonja Jacobsen, E. Anthony S. Nelson, Ting F. Leung, Raymond W.M. Lai, Paul K.S. ChanComments to Author , and Martin C.W. Chan
Author affiliations: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (K. Kwok, N. Lee, T.-N. Hung, L.-Y. Chan, E.A.S. Nelson, T.F. Leung, R.W.M. Lai, P.K.S. Chan, M.C.W. Chan); Consultant Laboratory for Noroviruses, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany (S. Niendorf, S. Jacobsen)

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Age distribution of hospitalized patients with norovirus GII.4 infections, by season, Hong Kong, China, 2012–2017

Median age, y (IQR)
2012–13 3 (1–74) (11)
2012–13, 2013–14 2 (1–60) (6)
2014–15 1 (1–8) (8)
2015–16 2 (1–4) Unpublished†
2016–17 1 (1–3) This study

*IQR, interquartile range.
†Chan MC. Molecular surveillance of norovirus in Hong Kong. Unpublished raw data; 2017.

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Page created: October 17, 2017
Page updated: October 17, 2017
Page reviewed: October 17, 2017
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