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Volume 24, Number 2—February 2018

Epidemic Varicella Zoster Virus among University Students, India

Josh MeyersComments to Author , Muthunarayanan Logaraj, Balaji Ramraj, Padmanesan Narasimhan, and C. Raina MacIntyre
Author affiliations: University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (J. Meyers, P. Narasimhan, C.R. MacIntyre); Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University, Chennai, India (M. Logaraj, B. Ramraj); Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (C.R MacIntyre)

Main Article

Table 1

Demographics of participants in study of varicella outbreak at a private university in Chennai, India, February 2016–January 2017*

Characteristic Case patients, n = 77 Controls, n = 77† p value
Sex, %
M 63 (81.8) 63 (81.8) NS—matched variable
14 (18.2)
14 (18.2)
NS—matched variable
Age, y
Median 18 18 NS—matched variable
NS—matched variable
State of birth, % (SE) 0.01
Uttar Pradesh 19 (24.7–4.9) 6 (7.8–3.1)
Tamil Nadu 9 (11.7–3.7) 14 (18.2–4.4)
Andhra Pradesh 8 (10.4–3.5) 9 (11.7–3.7)
Odisha 6 (7.8–3.1) 1 (1.3–1.3)
35 (45.5–5.7)
47 (61.0–5.6)
Degree program,‡ % (SE) 0.95
Bachelor of Technology 70 (90.9–3.3) 70 (90.9–3.3)
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Doctor of Medicine and Research 2 (2.6–1.8) 3 (3.9–2.2)
Master of Technology 1 (1.3–1.3) 1 (1.3–1.3)
4 (5.2–2.5)
3 (3.8–2.2)

Student year or staff position, % (SE) 0.82
1 63 (81.8–4.4) 65 (84.4–4.1)
2 8 (10.4–3.5) 7 (9.1–3.3)
3 1 (1.3–1.3) 2 (2.5–1.8)
5 (6.5–2.8)
3 (3.8–2.2)

Campus category, % NS—matched variable
Resident 72 (93.5) 70 (90.9)
Day student 1 (1.3) 4 (5.2)
4 (5.2)
3 (3.8)

Self-reported vaccination for varicella, % (SE) 0.10
Yes 26 (33.8–5.4) 36 (46.8–5.7)
No/not sure
51 (66.2–5.4)
41 (53.2–5.7)

Known exposure to varicella during study period, % (SE) 0.03
Yes 26 (33.8–5.4) 14 (18.2–4.4)
No known exposure 51 (66.2–5.4) 63 (81.8–4.4)

*NS, not stated; NA, not available.
†Controls were matched by age, sex, and place of residence (hostel residents were matched by hostel block).
‡Degree program was suspected as potentially contributing to transmission of the disease by close contact during classes.

Main Article

Page created: January 17, 2018
Page updated: January 17, 2018
Page reviewed: January 17, 2018
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