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Volume 24, Number 2—February 2018

Epidemic Varicella Zoster Virus among University Students, India

Josh MeyersComments to Author , Muthunarayanan Logaraj, Balaji Ramraj, Padmanesan Narasimhan, and C. Raina MacIntyre
Author affiliations: University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (J. Meyers, P. Narasimhan, C.R. MacIntyre); Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University, Chennai, India (M. Logaraj, B. Ramraj); Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (C.R MacIntyre)

Main Article

Table 2

Characteristics of 77 patients with varicella in study of varicella outbreak at a private university in Chennai, India, February 2016–January 2017

Characteristic Value
Symptoms, no. (%) patients
Fever 59 (76.6)
Rash 77 (100.0)
Cough 24 (31.2)
34 (44.2)
Illness duration, no. (%) patients
<1 week 11 (14.3)
1–2 weeks 54 (70.1)
>2 weeks
12 (15.6)
No. days off work or study
Median 7
Attend class while ill, no. (%) patients
Yes 25 (32.5)
52 (67.5)
Kept in isolation, no. (%) patients*
Yes 67 (87.0)
10 (13.0)
No. days from onset of symptoms to hospital admission†
Median 2
Range 0–11
No. case-patients who responded “not sure” 27

*Isolation indicates a patient spent time in an isolation room in the hospital or was in isolation at home at any point during the illness.
†Those who responded “not sure” were excluded from calculation.

Main Article

Page created: January 17, 2018
Page updated: January 17, 2018
Page reviewed: January 17, 2018
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