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Volume 25, Number 11—November 2019

Secondary Autochthonous Outbreak of Chikungunya, Southern Italy, 2017

Flavia Riccardo1Comments to Author , Giulietta Venturi1, Marco Di Luca1, Martina Del Manso, Francesco Severini, Xanthi Andrianou, Claudia Fortuna, Maria Elena Remoli, Eleonora Benedetti, Maria Grazia Caporali, Francesca Fratto, Anna Domenica Mignuoli, Liliana Rizzo, Giuseppe De Vito, Vincenzo De Giorgio, Lorenzo Surace, Francesco Vairo, Paola Angelini, Maria Carla Re, Antonello Amendola, Cristiano Fiorentini, Giulia Marsili, Luciano Toma, Daniela Boccolini, Roberto Romi, Patrizio Pezzotti, Giovanni Rezza, and Caterina Rizzo
Author affiliations: Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy (F. Riccardo, G. Venturi, M. Di Luca, M. Del Manso, F. Severini, X. Andrianou, C. Fortuna, M.E. Remoli, E. Benedetti, M.G. Caporali, A. Amendola, C. Fiorentini, G. Marsili, L. Toma, D. Boccolini, R. Romi, P. Pezzotti, G. Rezza); European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden (X. Andrianou); Regione Calabria, Calabria, Italy (F. Fratto, A.D. Mignuoli, L. Rizzo); ASP di Catanzaro, Calabria (G. De Vito, V. De Giorgio, L. Surace); National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Rome (F. Vairo); Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna, Italy (P. Angelini); University of Bologna, Bologna (M.C. Re); Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome (C. Rizzo)

Main Article

Figure 2

Location and size of clusters of 499 cases of chikungunya (probable and confirmed), by municipality, in central and southern Italy, June 26– November 15, 2017.

Figure 2. Location and size of clusters of 499 cases of chikungunya (probable and confirmed), by municipality, in central and southern Italy, June 26–November 15, 2017.

Main Article

1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: October 15, 2019
Page updated: October 15, 2019
Page reviewed: October 15, 2019
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