Volume 25, Number 3—March 2019
University-Based Outbreaks of Meningococcal Disease Caused by Serogroup B, United States, 2013–2018
Table 2
Vaccination response to university-based outbreaks of meningococcal disease caused by serogroup B, United States, 2013–2018*
State of university |
Primary MenB vaccine |
Vaccination strategy |
Vaccination coverage |
Cases after vaccine implementation |
New Jersey | MenB-4C† | Mass vaccination campaign | Dose 1, 95%; dose 2, 89% | 1 |
California | MenB-4C† | Mass vaccination campaign | Dose 1, 51%; dose 2, 40% | 0 |
Rhode Island | MenB-FHbp | Mass vaccination campaign | Dose 1, 94%; dose 2, 80%; dose 3, 77%‡ | 0 |
Oregon | MenB-FHbp§ | Mass vaccination campaigns; student health; local pharmacies | Dose 1, 52%; dose 2, 40%; dose 3, 10% | 3¶ |
California | MenB-4C | Mass vaccination campaign | Dose 1, 90%; dose 2, 90%# | 0 |
New Jersey | MenB-FHbp | Local providers/pharmacies; student health; some vaccination campaigns | NA | 0 |
Wisconsin | MenB-4C | Mass vaccination campaign | Dose 1, 67%; dose 2, >31%** | 1¶ |
Oregon | MenB-4C | Mass vaccination campaign with targeted student groups; vaccine requirement | Dose 1, 98%; dose 2, 93% | 2 |
Massachusetts†† | MenB-4C | Mass vaccination campaign; student health; providers/pharmacies | Dose 1, 34%**,‡‡; dose 2, 16% | 1 |
Pennsylvania | MenB-4C | Vaccinated athletic team; campus-wide recommendation for vaccination at student health | Dose 1, 14%; dose 2, 2%** | 0 |
*MenB, serogroup B meningococcal; MenB-4C, Bexsero (GlaxoSmithKline, https://www.gsk.com); MenB-FHbp, Trumenba (Pfizer, https://www.pfizer.com); NA, vaccination coverage estimates not available.
†Vaccine available through a CDC-sponsored investigational new drug protocol.
‡Coverage data refer to 2015 campaign. Incoming freshmen and returning study abroad students were also vaccinated in 2015–2016.
§MenB-4C was also used in response to this outbreak; 21% of students completed either vaccine series. Presented coverage data for this university are as of July 2018.
¶One case in each of these outbreaks occurred 6 days after MenB vaccination efforts commenced, thus prior to any expected immunity.
#This coverage estimate represents the number of persons vaccinated in the second campaign, which likely included some first doses.
**Reported coverage reflects only vaccine doses given on campus; additional students received vaccine doses from providers or pharmacies at home or in other states.
††Cases occurred at 2 universities in a college consortium in the same geographic area. The first 2 cases occurred at university 1 and the third case occurred at university 2. Both universities began vaccination efforts following the second case.
‡‡Combined first-dose coverage data for both universities are presented in the table. First-dose coverage was 33% at university 1 (23,388 undergraduates) and 41% at university 2 (2,500 undergraduates) (Figure 2). Vaccination was ongoing at the time of publication; therefore, data should be considered preliminary.
1Members of the group are listed at the end of this article.