Volume 25, Number 5—May 2019
Outcomes of Bedaquiline Treatment in Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Table 1
Characteristics of cohorts in study of bedaquiline treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Cohort | Design | Location | Sample size | Inception date | Type of care |
Pym 2013 (14) |
Phase II, single-arm open-label trial |
31 sites, 11 countries* |
233 |
2009 Aug |
Research |
Guglielmetti 2017 (15) |
Retrospective cohort |
France |
45 |
2010 Jan |
Expanded access |
Ndjeka 2018 (16) |
Prospective cohort |
South Africa |
195 |
2013 Mar |
Compassionate use |
Hewison 2018 (17) |
Prospective cohort |
Armenia |
62 |
2013 Apr |
Compassionate use |
Prospective cohort | Georgia | 30 | Compassionate use (20), programmatic use (10) |
*China, Estonia, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federation, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine.
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Page created: April 18, 2019
Page updated: April 18, 2019
Page reviewed: April 18, 2019
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