Volume 25, Number 9—September 2019
Research Letter
Fatal Case of Lassa Fever, Bangolo District, Côte d’Ivoire, 2015

Figure. Analysis of LASV strains, Bangolo District, Côte d’Ivoire, 2015. A) RT-PCR analysis of human serum samples 132/16 and 001/15 by using OW and LASV RT-PCRs. Lane 1, negative control; lane 2, positive control; lane 3, 132/16; lane 4, 001/15. B) Phylogenetic analysis of LASV strains. Trees were inferred by using the PhyML Smart Model Selection (5) general time-reversible plus gamma plus proportion of invariable sites model with 200 bootstrap replicates. Poorly supported branches with bootstrap values <0.50 are indicated by dotted lines. Lassa virus lineages are indicated by the Roman numerals on the right. The Bangolo-CIV-2015 strain (solid box), which was isolated in this study, appears to be related to clade IV, and the AV strain (dotted box) is related to clade V. GPC, glycoprotein complex gene; L, large RNA segment; LASV, Lassa virus; OW, Old World; RT-PCR, reverse transcription PCR.
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