Volume 26, Number 12—December 2020
Equine-Like H3 Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds, Chile
Table 1
Divergence dates per gene segment for equine-like H3 avian influenza viruses in wild birds, Chile*
Gene segment | Equine-like, no. positive/no. tested† | GTR relaxed | GTR strict | HKY relaxed | HKY strict |
HA | 6/8 | 1916 (1883–1941) | 1918 (1909–1927) | 1917 (1886–1939) | 1918 (1909–1927) |
PA | 19/26 | 1948 (1938–1956) | 1946 (1941–1950) | 1948 (1935–1957) | 1946 (1941–1950) |
NP | 24/29 | 1947 (1936–1955) | 1945 (1940–1950) | 1947 (1936–1955) | 1945 (1939–1949) |
NS1 | 11/27 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
*Estimated divergence dates between these sequences from Chile and the 1963 H3N8 equine influenza sequences were estimated by using BEAST version 1.10 (https://beast.community/2018-06-10_BEAST_v1.10.0_released.html) with GTR or HKY substitution models and strict or uncorrelated relaxed clocks. Estimated dates are reported with 95% credible interval dates in parentheses. Because NS1 sequences did not exhibit molecular clock–like behavior, the divergence date could not be estimated. GTR, generalized time reversible; HA, hemagglutinin; HKY, Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano; NA, not available; NP, nucleoprotein; NS1, nonstructural protein 1; PA, polymerase acidic. †Number of sequences from Chile for the gene segments that have high homology to the 1963 H3N8 equine influenza virus.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.