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Volume 26, Number 5—May 2020

Food Safety and Invasive Cronobacter Infections during Early Infancy, 1961–2018

Jonathan Strysko, Jennifer R. CopeComments to Author , Haley Martin, Cheryl Tarr, Kelley Hise, Sarah Collier, and Anna Bowen
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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Table 2

Characteristics of 183 infants with invasive Cronobacter infection, overall and by clinical syndrome type, geographic location, and reporting period, 1961–2018*

Characteristic* Overall Syndrome type
United States
Outside United States
Bacteremia Meningitis 1st–3rd quarters, 1961–2003 4th quarter, 2004–2018 1st–3rd quarters, 1961–2003 4th quarter, 2004–2018
F 50/103 (49) 20/35 (57) 30/68 (44) 7/17 (44) 24/49 (49) 9/19 (53) 9/18 (50)
53/103 (51)
15/35 (43)
38/68 (56)

10/17 (56)
25/49 (51)

10/19 (47)
9/18 (50)
Cesarean delivery 33/58 (57) 13/19 (68) 20/39 (51) 2/5 (40) 20/24 (48) 7/10 (70) 0/1 (100)
Died 42/112 (38) 13/46 (28) 29/66 (44) 4/21 (19) 9/42 (21) 14/27 (52) 14/21 (67)
Neonatal onset 100/150 (67) 36/55 (65) 64/95 (67) 16/24 (67) 40/55 (73) 19/20 (95) 16/20 (80)
Median onset age, d 13 (7–28) 17 (9–33) 11 (6–22) 20 (10–35) 16.5 (11–30) 5 (4–14) 11.5 (5–60)
Median EGA, wks 36 (31–40) 31 (27–39) 36 (32.2–39) 32 (30–36) 37 (32.2–39) 37 (32–40) 31 (27.7–40)
Median birthweight, g 2,155 (1,400–2,948) 1,626 (1,044–2,845) 2,514 (1,843–2,989) 1,475 (900–2,477) 2,594 (1,815–3,118) 2,277 (1,545–2,775) 1,570 (1,269–1,980)
Community onset 57/119 (48) 32/48 (67) 41/71 (58) 8/18 (44) 42/54 (77) 2/25 (8) 5/22 (23)
Full-term birth 41/100 (41) 11/33 (33) 30/67 (45) 4/18(22) 27/48 (57) 10/20 (50) 1/15 (7)
Late preterm birth 29/100 (29) 4/33 (12) 25/67 (37) 5/18 (27) 13/48 (27) 6/20 (30) 6/15 (40)
Early preterm birth 30/100 (30) 18/33 (55) 12/66 (18) 9/18 (50) 9/48 (19) 4/20 (20) 8/15 (53)
Outbreak-associated 33/125 (26) 11/47(23) 22/78(28) 4/21 (19) 2/53 (4) 20/29 (69) 7/22 (32)

*Values are no. (%) or median (interquartile range). Neonatal onset defined as <28 d after birth; full-term birth was ≥37 weeks EGA; late preterm birth, 32–37 weeks EGA; early preterm birth, <32 weeks EGA. Outbreak-associated was defined as a clinical isolate’s pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern indistinguishable from that of another case (invasive, noninvasive, or colonized) or if detected in proximity with other cases both temporally (within 6 mo) and spatially (in the same home or hospital). Bold type indicates statistical significance (p<0.05) between reporting periods or syndrome types. EGA, estimated gestational age.

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Page created: April 15, 2020
Page updated: April 15, 2020
Page reviewed: April 15, 2020
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