Volume 26, Number 6—June 2020
Genomic Epidemiology of 2015–2016 Zika Virus Outbreak in Cape Verde
Figure 2
![Suspected Zika cases, cases tested for Zika virus (ZIKV) infection, ZIKV antibody–positive cases, and ZIKV RNA–positive cases, Cape Verde, 2015–2016, by epidemiologic week. A) Cases of suspected ZIKV infection (n = 7,580) (9). B) Cases tested for ZIKV infection, ZIKV antibody–positive cases, and ZIKV RNA–positive cases. Only 1,226 of 7,580 cases of suspected ZIKV infection are included among those tested for ZIKV infection. In addition, some patients with fever only or rash only who did not fit](/eid/images/19-0928-F2.jpg)
Figure 2. Suspected Zika cases, cases tested for Zika virus (ZIKV) infection, ZIKV antibody–positive cases, and ZIKV RNA–positive cases, Cape Verde, 2015–2016, by epidemiologic week. A) Cases of suspected ZIKV infection (n = 7,580) (9). B) Cases tested for ZIKV infection, ZIKV antibody–positive cases, and ZIKV RNA–positive cases. Only 1,226 of 7,580 cases of suspected ZIKV infection are included among those tested for ZIKV infection. In addition, some patients with fever only or rash only who did not fit the Zika case definition were also tested for ZIKV infection and included on this graph. ZIKV IgG–positive cases were negative by qRT-PCR and IgM ELISA and confirmed positive for ZIKV IgG by plaque reduction neutralization test. Arrows indicate the time of patient sampling for the 3 sequenced ZIKV isolates (GenBank accession nos. MK241415–7). qRT-PCR, quantitative reverse transcription PCR; –, negative; +, positive.
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1These first authors contributed equally to this article.
2These senior authors contributed equally to this article.