Volume 26, Number 9—September 2020
Risk-Based Estimate of Human Fungal Disease Burden, China
Table 1
Population characteristics in China, by age, gender, high-risk factors, and underlying diseases*
Population characteristic | No., in thousands | Reference |
Total population | 1,433,784 | UN, 2019 (9) |
Population of children 0–14 y | 254,930 | UN, 2020 (9) |
Female population, 15–49 y | 403,377 | UN, 2020 (9) |
Population >40 y | 688,074 | UN, 2020 (9) |
People living with HIV | 810 | UNAIDS, 2017 (10) |
Proportion of HIV patients on ART | 40% | UNAIDS, 2017 (10) |
Adults living with HIV and CD4 <200 cells/µL | 106 | Assumes a 5-y decline in immunity |
AIDS related deaths | 26 | UNAIDS, 2017 (10) |
Annual cases of TB | 856 | WHO 2017 (11) |
Annual cases of pulmonary TB who survive | 844 | WHO 2017 (11) |
Adults with asthma (4.2%) population | 49,512 | Huang, 2019 (13) |
Adults with COPD (7.2% of population) | 102,377 | Zhu, 2018 (14) |
Adults with COPD admitted to hospital each year (20.1%) | 29,382 | Zhu, 2018 (14) |
Lung cancer | 774.3 | GLOBOCAN, 2018 (1) |
Liver transplants per year | 4.73 | COTR (12) |
Renal transplants per year | 10.8 | COTR (12) |
Lung transplants per year | 0.3 | COTR (12) |
Heart transplants per year | 0.56 | COTR (12) |
Allogeneic stem cell transplants per year | 5.0 | Xu, 2016 (15) |
Acute myelogenous leukemia | 41.2 | 40% of GLOBOCAN leukemia and multiple myeloma total, 2018 (1) |
No. patients on peritoneal dialysis | 73.9 | Wilkie and Davies, 2017 (16) |
Intensive care unit beds | 86.0 | Murthy, 2012 (17) |
Intensive care admissions surviving >24 h | 5,126 | Du, 2013 (18) |
*ART, antiretroviral therapy; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COTR, China Organ Transplantation Registration System; TB, tuberculosis;
UN, United Nations Population Division; UNAIDS, the Joint Nations Program on HIV/AIDS; WHO, World Health Organization.
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1These authors contributed equally to this article.
2These authors contributed equally to this article.
Page created: May 26, 2020
Page updated: August 18, 2020
Page reviewed: August 18, 2020
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