Volume 27, Number 10—October 2021
Bloodstream Infection Risk, Incidence, and Deaths for Hospitalized Patients during Coronavirus Disease Pandemic
Table 2
Adjusted association for virus positivity with outcomes for patients during the coronavirus disease pandemic, Miami, Florida, USA, March 25‒October 27, 2020*
Cohort | Primary outcome | OR/HR (95% CI) |
Full |
Risk for LCBI† | 3.88 (2.70‒5.51) |
Time to LCBI‡ | 2.35 (1.77‒3.13) | |
Risk for death,§ adjusted for LCBI | 6.68 (4.94‒9.01) | |
Risk for LCBI-HAI† | 5.58 (3.67‒8.43) | |
Time to LCBI-HAI‡ | 2.73 (1.94‒3.85) | |
Risk for death,§ adjusted for LCBI-HAI |
6.64 (4.91‒8.96) |
Central line | Risk for CLABSI† | 5.68 (2.94‒11.1) |
Time to CLABSI‡ | 2.86 (1.75‒4.65) | |
Risk for death§ | 5.30 (3.68‒7.64) |
*All p values were <0.001. BMI, body mass index; CLABSI: central line‒associated bloodstream infection; HR, hazard ratio; ICU, intensive care unit; LCBI, laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection; OR, odds ratio; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment. †Modeled with logistic regression including age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, BMI, no. comorbidities, previous urethral catheter use, previous central line use, previous mechanical ventilation, previous steroid treatment, previous ICU admission, previous dialysis, previous prone positioning, previous remdesivir treatment, tocilizumab treatment, and imputed SOFA score as covariates. OR is reported. ‡Modeled with proportional hazards model including age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, BMI, no. comorbidities, previous urethral catheter use, previous central line use, previous mechanical ventilation, previous steroid treatment, previous ICU admission, previous dialysis, and imputed SOFA score as covariates. HR is reported. §Modeled with logistic regression including age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, BMI, no. comorbidities, urethral catheter days, central line days, previous mechanical ventilation days, steroid treatment days, ICU days, dialysis days , imputed SOFA score, and LCBI as covariates; OR is reported.