Volume 27, Number 11—November 2021
Toward Cholera Elimination, Haiti
Figure 1
![Cholera elimination progress and surveillance effort in Haiti as of July 1, 2021. A) Time elapsed since the last cholera report (i.e., number of years since the last positive culture or last reported suspected cholera case [choropleth colors and patterns]) and of the number of consecutive negative cultures (proportional circles), by commune. Communes with >1 negative culture since the last positive culture or the last reported death are colored with solid green, with elimination time calculated since the last positive culture or suspected cholera death; communes with no stool sampled for culture since the last positive culture or the last reported death are colored with green cross-hatching, with elimination time calculated since the last reported suspected cholera case or death; communes with no history of stool sampling for cholera culture but with reported cases are colored with green diagonal hatching, with elimination time calculated since the last reported suspected cholera case or death; and communes with no history of stool sampling and no reported cases are colored in solid gray. Communes are colored according to the time elapsed since possible elimination (i.e., number of years since the last positive culture or the last reported suspected cholera case). The magenta arrow localizes the commune of the last positive stool sample in Haiti. B) Plot of the weekly number of positive (magenta) and negative (green) stool cultures for Vibrio cholerae O1 and monthly culture-positivity ratio. Data source: Ministry of Public Health and Population of Haiti (pers. comm., 2021 Jul 20; see also Appendix). V. cholerae O1, Vibrio cholerae O1.](/eid/images/20-3372-F1.jpg)
Figure 1. Cholera elimination progress and surveillance effort in Haiti as of July 1, 2021. A) Time elapsed since the last cholera report (i.e., number of years since the last positive culture or last reported suspected cholera case [choropleth colors and patterns]) and of the number of consecutive negative cultures (proportional circles), by commune. Communes with >1 negative culture since the last positive culture or the last reported death are colored with solid green, with elimination time calculated since the last positive culture or suspected cholera death; communes with no stool sampled for culture since the last positive culture or the last reported death are colored with green cross-hatching, with elimination time calculated since the last reported suspected cholera case or death; communes with no history of stool sampling for cholera culture but with reported cases are colored with green diagonal hatching, with elimination time calculated since the last reported suspected cholera case or death; and communes with no history of stool sampling and no reported cases are colored in solid gray. Communes are colored according to the time elapsed since possible elimination (i.e., number of years since the last positive culture or the last reported suspected cholera case). The magenta arrow localizes the commune of the last positive stool sample in Haiti. B) Plot of the weekly number of positive (magenta) and negative (green) stool cultures for Vibrio cholerae O1 and monthly culture-positivity ratio. Data source: Ministry of Public Health and Population of Haiti (pers. comm., 2021 Jul 20; see also Appendix). V. cholerae O1, Vibrio cholerae O1.