Volume 27, Number 11—November 2021
Policy Review and Modeling Analysis of Mitigation Measures for Coronavirus Disease Epidemic Control, Health System, and Disease Burden, South Korea
Table 2
Input parameters for COVID-19 transmission compartmental model, South Korea*
Characteristic | Baseline value | Range† | Reference |
Hospitalizations for all confirmed cases by disease severity before March 2, % | 49.4 | (5) | |
Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic cases | 17.0 | (5) | |
Mild symptomatic cases | 22.4 | (5) | |
Severely ill cases | 6.4 | (5) | |
Critically ill cases |
3.6 |
(5) |
Hospitalizations for all confirmed cases by disease severity after March 2, % | 82.6 | (5,9) | |
Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic cases (admitted to CTCs) | 38.2 | (5,9) | |
Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic cases (admitted to hospitals) | 12.0 | (5,9) | |
Mild symptomatic cases | 22.4 | (5,9) | |
Severe symptomatic cases | 6.4 | (5,9) | |
Critically ill cases |
3.6 |
(5,9) |
Proportion admitted to the ICU among hospitalized patients |
8.1 |
(5,9) |
Time to outcome, d | |||
Time to symptom onsets | 5.1 | 4.5‒5.8 | (11) |
Time from symptom onset to hospitalization | 4.0 | 0‒11 | (12‒14) |
Time from symptom onset to ICU hospitalization | 7.0 | 6‒8 | (12‒14) |
Time from symptom onset to death | 17.0 | 0‒27 | (14) |
Length of stay at CTC | 16.0 | 7‒20 | (9,18) |
Length of stays at hospital without ICU admission | 20.9 | 7.2‒34.6 | (15‒17) |
ICU length of stay among survivors | 30.0 | 11.6‒47.2 | (5,15,16) |
ICU length of stay among nonsurvivors |
10.0 |
0 ‒13 |
(5,15,16) |
Case-fatality rate for critically ill patients, % | 60.0 | (5,9) |
*COVID-19, coronavirus disease; CTC, community treatment center; ICU, intensive care unit. †Range was used for sensitivity analysis where available. For parameters that were calculated as proportions, baseline values were used as fixed values.
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Page created: July 27, 2021
Page updated: October 19, 2021
Page reviewed: October 19, 2021
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