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Volume 27, Number 2—February 2021

Excess Deaths during Influenza and Coronavirus Disease and Infection-Fatality Rate for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, the Netherlands

Liselotte van AstenComments to Author , Carel N. Harmsen, Lenny Stoeldraijer, Don Klinkenberg, Anne C. Teirlinck, Marit M.A. de Lange, Adam Meijer, Jan van de Kassteele, Arianne B. van Gageldonk-Lafeber, Susan van den Hof, and Wim van der Hoek
Author affiliations: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands (L. van Asten, D. Klinkenberg, A.C. Teirlinck, M.M.A. de Lange, A. Meijer, J. van de Kassteele, A.B. van Gageldonk-Lafeber, S. van den Hof, W. van der Hoek); Statistics Netherlands, the Hague, the Netherlands (C.N. Harmsen, L. Stoeldraijer)

Main Article

Figure 1

Excess deaths during influenza and coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and infection-fatality rate for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the Netherlands. Weekly and expected number of deaths, 2010–2020. Black line indicates weekly number of deaths, and blue line indicates expected number of weekly deaths. Blue vertical bars indicate influenza epidemic weeks, and orange vertical bar indicates COVID-19 epidemic week 12–19 (March 12–May 6); excluding week 10–11, which overlapped with an influenza epidemic flare-up. Weeks run Thursday through Wednesday.

Figure 1. Excess deaths during influenza and coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and infection-fatality rate for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the Netherlands. Weekly and expected number of deaths, 2010–2020. Black line indicates weekly number of deaths, and blue line indicates expected number of weekly deaths. Blue vertical bars indicate influenza epidemic weeks, and orange vertical bar indicates COVID-19 epidemic week 12–19 (March 12–May 6); excluding week 10–11, which overlapped with an influenza epidemic flare-up. Weeks run Thursday through Wednesday.

Main Article

Page created: November 16, 2020
Page updated: January 23, 2021
Page reviewed: January 23, 2021
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