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Volume 27, Number 2—February 2021
Research Letter

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Outbreak Related to a Nightclub, Germany, 2020

Nadine Muller1Comments to Author , Mareike Kunze1, Fabienne Steitz, Neil J. Saad, Barbara Mühlemann, Jörn I. Beheim-Schwarzbach, Julia Schneider, Christian Drosten, Lukas Murajda, Sandra Kochs, Claudia Ruscher, Jan Walter, Nadine Zeitlmann2, and Victor M. Corman2
Author affiliations: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden (N. Muller, N.J. Saad); Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany (N. Muller, N.J. Saad, J. Walter, N. Zeitlmann); Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin (N. Muller, B. Mühlemann, J.I. Beheim-Schwarzbach, J. Schneider, C. Drosten, V.M. Corman); Local Health Authority Berlin-Mitte, Berlin (M. Kunze, F. Steitz, L. Murajda, S. Kochs); German Centre for Infection Research, Berlin (B. Mühlemann, C. Drosten, V.M. Corman); State Office for Health and Social Affairs, Berlin (C. Ruscher)

Main Article


Date of symptom onset among 64 coronavirus disease cases linked to an outbreak in a nightclub, Berlin, Germany, March 2020. The asterisks indicate cases with symptom onset prior attending event 1 (symptom onset on February 28, 2020) and event 3 (symptom onset on March 4, 2020). No guests among cases reported attending event 2, but all attended either event 1 or event 3. No staff among cases attended only event 2; all attended event 1, event 3, or both events.

Figure. Date of symptom onset among 64 coronavirus disease cases linked to an outbreak in a nightclub, Berlin, Germany, March 2020. The asterisks indicate cases with symptom onset prior attending event 1 (symptom onset on February 28, 2020) and event 3 (symptom onset on March 4, 2020). No guests among cases reported attending event 2, but all attended either event 1 or event 3. No staff among cases attended only event 2; all attended event 1, event 3, or both events.

Main Article

1These first authors contributed equally to this article.

2These senior authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: November 20, 2020
Page updated: January 24, 2021
Page reviewed: January 24, 2021
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