Coordinated Strategy for a Model-Based Decision Support Tool for Coronavirus Disease, Utah, USA
Hannah R. Meredith, Emerson Arehart
1, Kyra H. Grantz
1, Alexander Beams, Theresa Sheets, Richard Nelson, Yue Zhang, Russell G. Vinik, Darryl Barfuss, Jacob C. Pettit, Keegan McCaffrey, Angela C. Dunn, Michael Good, Shannon Frattaroli, Matthew H. Samore, Justin Lessler, Elizabeth C. Lee, and Lindsay T. Keegan
Author affiliations: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (H.R. Meredith, K.H. Grantz, S. Frattaroli, J. Lessler, E.C. Lee); University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (E. Arehart, A. Beams, T. Sheets, R. Nelson, Y. Zhang, R.G. Vinik, D. Barfuss, J.C. Pettit, M. Good, M.H. Samore, L.T. Keegan); Utah Department of Health, Salt Lake City (K. McCaffrey, A.C. Dunn); Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System, Salt Lake City (M.H. Samore, L.T. Keegan)
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Figure 4
Figure 4. Sample model outputs from additional model components for a decision support tool for coronavirus disease, Utah, USA. Solid lines indicate the average daily occupancy, and shaded areas represent 95% CIs. A, B) Estimates of Rt for the entire state of Utah (A) and for 4 counties (B). The dashed blue line at the end of each time course represents the period within 1 serial interval from the end of the available data, where estimates of Rt are not accurate; dashed black line depicts Rt = 1, below which the disease will disappear and above which the disease will spread. C) Post–acute-care occupancy for each of 3 care types: home healthcare, hospice care, and skilled nursing facility. Rt, real-time effective reproduction number.
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Page created: March 26, 2021
Page updated: April 20, 2021
Page reviewed: April 20, 2021
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