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Volume 27, Number 6—June 2021
Online Report

Proposal for Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Nomenclature below the Species Level

Vahid Salimi, Mariana Viegas1, Alfonsina Trento1, Charles N. Agoti, Larry J. Anderson, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Justin Bahl, Louis Bont, J. Rodney Brister, Patricia A. Cane, Mónica Galiano, Barney S. Graham, Eneida L. Hatcher, Orienka Hellferscee, David M. Henke, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Sandra Jackson, Els Keyaerts, Leyla Kragten-Tabatabaie, Stephen Lindstrom, Inne Nauwelaers, D. James Nokes, Peter J. Openshaw, Teresa C. Peret, Pedro A. Piedra, Kaat Ramaekers, Annabel Rector, Nídia Sequeira Trovão, Anne von Gottberg, Maria Zambon, Wenqing Zhang, Thomas C. Williams, Ian G. Barr2Comments to Author , and Ursula J. Buchholz2Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (V. Salimi); Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez, Buenos Aires, Argentina (M. Viegas); National Center of Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain (A. Trento); KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya (C.N. Agoti, D.J. Nokes); Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (L.J. Anderson); Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA (V. Avadhanula, D.M. Henke, P.A. Piedra); University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA (J. Bahl); University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands (L. Bont); National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, Maryland, USA (J.R. Brister, E.L. Hatcher); Public Health England, London, UK (P.A. Cane, M. Galiano, I. Nauwelaers, M. Zambon); Francis Crick Institute, London (M. Galiano); National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda (B.S. Graham, U.J. Buchholz); National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa (O. Hellferscee, A. von Gottberg); W; orld Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (S. Hirve, S. Jackson, W. Zhang); University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (E. Keyaerts); ReSViNET Foundation, Zeist, the Netherlands (L. Kragten-Tabatabaie); Julius Clinical, Zeist (L. Kragten-Tabatabaie); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta (S. Lindstrom, T. Peret); Imperial College London, London (I. Nauwelaers, P. Openshaw); Rega Institute, Leuven (K. Ramaekers, A. Rector); Fogarty International Center, Bethesda (N. Sequeira Trovão); University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (T.C. Williams); Peter Doherty Institute for Infection & Immunity, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (I. Barr)

Main Article

Figure 2

A) Schematic overview of the HRSV gene order and comparison of the amino acid identities of the reference strains of subgroups A (HRSV A2, GenBank accession no. M74568/NC_038235) and B (HRSV B1, GenBank accession no. AF013254/NC_001781). B) ICTV-proposed species designation, virus name, and associated GenBank reference sequences. HRSV, human respiratory syncytial virus; ICTV, International Committee on Virus Taxonomy; RefSeq, reference sequence.

Figure 2. A) Schematic overview of the HRSV gene order and comparison of the amino acid identities of the reference strains of subgroups A (HRSV A2, GenBank accession no. M74568/NC_038235) and B (HRSV B1, GenBank accession no. AF013254/NC_001781). B) ICTV-proposed species designation, virus name, and associated GenBank reference sequences. HRSV, human respiratory syncytial virus; ICTV, International Committee on Virus Taxonomy; RefSeq, reference sequence.

Main Article

1These authors contributed equally to this article.

2These last authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: April 21, 2021
Page updated: May 18, 2021
Page reviewed: May 18, 2021
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